
Health Organizations

American Dental Association
American Medical Association
Better Health Magazine website
Discovery Health
Easter Seals
Feng Shui website
Health central offers 23,000 health products and prescription drugs
Mayo Health Clinic National Institute of Health
Quack Watch - Is your Doctor a Quack? Check here
American Psychiatrists
Triathlon information
Walkers Information and footware reviews
Women's Sports Foundation


Allergy remedies
Allernet - tips for hay fever sufferers
AAAAI National Allergy Bureau
Food Allergy Network

Cancer - research site
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
National Cancer Institute website
Cancer medical care and 2nd opinions
Resource Guide for people with cancer

Ergonomic Equipment

American Occupational Therapy Association
Workspace Resource
ErgoWeb - the place for ergonomics
Typing injury FAQ

Fitness Equipment

Barefoot Yoga
Polar heart rate monitors


Compassionate Friends
Hospice Net
Counseling for Loss and life changes

Health and Fitness, including Vitamins,Inc.
Heart Health Diets

Online and in Shape

Find a fitness partner
How to get motivated, latest exercise research
Harvard Medical school fitness site Locate a healthclub near you or where you are vacationing
Road Runners Club of America
What is the quickest way to tone up?

Self Help

Information, resources, and news for both laypeople and professionals on psychological disorders and treatments
Quit smoking site by Boston University

Sleep Disorders

Sleep Foundation

Money is

Freedom and Safety

Written by Administrator

Wednesday, 30 May 2022

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